2025 Read-a-thon
The read-a-thon will be running from February 1-28. Prizes will be given for fundraising and reading minutes.
Here’s how it works:
- Students secure pledges from family, friends and relatives starting February 1, 2025.
- Encourage your child to read as much as they can throughout the month.
- February 28, 2025, is the last day for reading. Please total your child’s pledge sheet and have them collect the pledge money from their supporters.
- The deadline for returning forms and pledges to the front office is Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Prizes will be awarded on Friday, March 7th, 2025 in the afternoon.
Here is a list of some of the prizes students are able to win. More prizes will be added and shared through the daily announcements.
Due to the number of students that will win prizes, we will not be contacting families before prizes are selected. Please have a conversation with your child about which prizes they may be interested in if they are selected as a winner.
Please click for more information on the read-a-thon, a copy of the pledge form and reading calendar.
You can also click for a copy of the Read-a-thon bingo that will be running from February 1-14.